‘24.out of competition
2023 | Brazil, Uruguay, France | 92’by Lillah Halla
When volleyball player Sofia seeks an abortion, illegal in Brazil, she finds support from her queer team in fighting fundamentalists. The ongoing surge of right wing ideologies fuels a culture war, turning the body into a contested space. Daily lives, like Sofia’s, are affected by it. Halla’s energetic debut celebrates the importance of community in overcoming intolerance and cultivating self-worth.
May 10 | 21:00 | Studio/K
The screening will be followed by an after talk. We want to give attention to the connecting potential of (queer) sports teams. We have invited different queer sports clubs for a conversation on the importance of queer community and the role of sport within it.
While sports and playing in a team can sometimes be a source of insecurity for queer people, due to its masculine connotation and its focus on the body, it can also be a space of joy and connection. We will discuss the existing and potential roles of sports within queer community formation.
*After this program you can join us for the queer club night. You can buy combi tickets for the program and party.
︎︎︎ get your tickets ︎︎︎