Eco Expo: Liam Young
The Great Endeavor
Short on loop | Dutch premiere | 2023 | United States, Australia | 9’
will follow soon
Short on loop | Dutch premiere | 2023 | United States, Australia | 9’
will follow soon
Our cultural program, running from May 9-12, aims to deepen the ecological and social dialogue initiated by our festival. Featuring an eco exhibition and a live audiovisual concert, it offers rich material for contemplation and discussion.
9 - 12 MAY
Thu-Fri 13:00-19:30
Sat. 11th 15:00-19:30
Sun. 12th 13:00-17:00
︎︎︎ the eco expo is free to visit︎︎︎
On Saturday there will be a reception with
the artists of the exbibition and some drinksfrom 17:00 till 19:30. Followed with the live AV show (ticketed) at 20:00.