Eco Expo: Suzette Bousema
Super Organism

‘Super Organism’ (2020-2022) is a multimediaproject about the belowground fungal network that connects almost all plants, often referred to as the internet
of the forest.

Suzette Bousema (NL, 1995) visualizes contemporary environmental topics in collaboration with scientists. She works interdisciplinary with photography, printing, glass, textile, and seaweed.

︎ Suzette Bousema

Our cultural program, running from May 9-12, aims to deepen the ecological and social dialogue initiated by our festival. Featuring an eco exhibition and a live audiovisual concert, it offers rich material for contemplation and discussion.

9 - 12 MAY

 Thu-Fri 13:00-19:30
Sat. 11th 15:00-19:30
Sun. 12th 13:00-17:00

︎︎︎ the eco expo is free to visit︎︎︎

On Saturday there will be a reception with
the artists of the exbibition and some drinks from 17:00 till 19:30. Followed with the live AV show (ticketed) at 20:00.